Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer Cartoon

This too, like all things, shall pass. Around here, 2.0 and up is passing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

People We Know Cartoons

The University of Idaho's school newspaper is the Argonaut. I did cartoons for most of the school year under the title "People We Know," which was a lot of fun. Thanks TJ.

I drew this before I decided to start a blog, but now it applies to me too.
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The part about the quiz is true.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Law school professor caricatures

During my 1L year of Law school I made cartoons of all my professors. They were all great sports about it.

Professor Anderson, Criminal Law. By way of interpretation, this is a diagram that represents the criminality of a bear eating a man who is guilty of attempted drug running.

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Professor Goble, torts, let me know that a cartoon can count as defamation. uh-oh.

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Dean Seamon, Civil Procedure II. This isn't a real citation, but my dad was tricked into looking it up in the federal tax code.

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Property, Professor Beard. The textbook had a color print of an abstract sculpture, several pictures inside, and two cases about paintings. The rest was all legal stuff.

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Professor Bridy, Contracts. She came up with the contract in the background, it's official boilerplate contract terms.

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Professor Friendshuh, Legal Research and Writing. There are special rules about when to italicize a comma, seriously.

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Professor Williams, Civil Procedure I. Shoe, Jx, all that good stuff.