Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Law school professor caricatures

During my 1L year of Law school I made cartoons of all my professors. They were all great sports about it.

Professor Anderson, Criminal Law. By way of interpretation, this is a diagram that represents the criminality of a bear eating a man who is guilty of attempted drug running.

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Professor Goble, torts, let me know that a cartoon can count as defamation. uh-oh.

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Dean Seamon, Civil Procedure II. This isn't a real citation, but my dad was tricked into looking it up in the federal tax code.

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Property, Professor Beard. The textbook had a color print of an abstract sculpture, several pictures inside, and two cases about paintings. The rest was all legal stuff.

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Professor Bridy, Contracts. She came up with the contract in the background, it's official boilerplate contract terms.

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Professor Friendshuh, Legal Research and Writing. There are special rules about when to italicize a comma, seriously.

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Professor Williams, Civil Procedure I. Shoe, Jx, all that good stuff.

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